Brand Colors

The Auto Club Group (ACG) shares the bold red and
blue used by AAA National. Do not use any other
variations of red or blue for paint, printed materials
or online communications.


PANTONE® and PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM® (PMS) are registered trademarks of Pantone, Inc. The colors shown on this page and
throughout this guide have not been evaluated by Pantone, Inc., for accuracy and may not match the PANTONE® Color Standards.
For accurate standards, refer to current PANTONE® publications.


Logo Colors


Secondary Color Usage

Below you will find all secondary colors which have been assigned to
certain lines of business. These colors will serve as color coded digital
landmarks on, eNewsletters and emails.

AAA's secondary colors have a little bit of black added to them so they
feel a little bit more contemporary and add a little weight to the color.

LOB Partners and Sports partnerships: At times AAA may need to
select a secondary color that is a primary color of a partner or sports
franchise. The Tampa Bay Lightning Blue is a little different than AAA
blue while the Red Wings Red is very similar.

Stay away from Day-Glow colors bright yellows, green and oranges.
Safety vest and things of that nature are okay but you should stay
away from the raw day-glow brightness.

Black Percentages